Choose from 3 different K2 Training Packages.
Overwhelmed? Contact me for a cost- and commitment-free recommendation regarding your personal situation. Leave a message or directly book a FREE online consultation.

Time slots will be updated every Sunday for the following week.

K2 Training Packages

The All-Star Blueprint

Get the most bang for the buck with the All-Star Blueprint. All the Strength & Conditioning and Speed neccessities needed to conquer the K2 of the mountain. Including 

professional quarterly Athletic-Testing Access for FREE!

See all details and what else is included for free in each package and learn about the individual service options below.

The Supreme Athlete

The golden middle. Individualized training with more detailed testing analysis and in-block adjustments to ensure the perfect training plan. On top? Professional quarterly Athletic-Testing Access for FREE! 

See all details and what else is included for free in each package and learn about the individual service options below.

The PEAK Dominator

No matter if a war is coming or you want to conquer the world. With the PEAK Dominator it becomes possible. Get your own highly individualized K2 all-inclusive package and benefit from a up to 40% discount. On top and completely for FREE: Professional quarterly Athletic-Testing Access to ensure optimal adjustments including a Player Card and way more.

See all details and what else is included for free in each package and learn about the individual service options below.


Included in every Package

No matter the K2 Training Package, these key-points will be included and help you climb to the PEAK of the mountain!
All 100% free of course.

All services in detail


NFL Combine like testing every four months with selected disciplines to objectify the current athletic level. The following training blocks are based on the analyzed and evaluated results of the testing.
Depending on the package, parameters such as power output, jumping power, top speed and acceleration and much more are tested.

The testings will most likely be held in Winterthur, Switzerland or in the near region.

Strength & Conditioning

Physically dominate with all the Strength & Conditioning necessities! The core of a successful training program. Tell me about your sport, your goals, your desires and your possibilities and get your own customized Strength and Conditioning plan.

S&C plan, block after block and tailored to your needs.


Speed kills! And everyone knows that. Take one of the best predictors of athleticism and unlock your full potential in straight line speed.
Containing 4 phases:
- Basics
- Acceleration
- Top-End-Speed
- Maintenance

Two Speed training sessions of around 30 minutes each per week. Updated blockwise and tailored to your needs.

Strength & Field/Indoor Warm-Up

Improve your trainings with fully customized warm-up routines. Get warm and loose, get mentally ready, improve mobility and reduce the risk of injury.
No time? No problem. I will keep it efficient and adjust it to your needs.

Efficient Warm-Ups with blockwise updates. Tailored to your needs.

Weekly planning/overview

Heavy leg exercises right after or rather close before gameday? How much rest do I need? When are double sessions indicated?

Optimize your performance and recovery with weekly plans! Tell me about your situation and we will figure out a fully adjusted weekly schedule for every single week.

Weekly schedule regarding training and the most time-consuming events, such as work, school, ...

Personal Training

More info coming soon!
If you are interested already: Leave a message. I'm looking forward to it!